The Vicious Cycle

The shipping markets are classically cyclical, but with extreme volatility. In fact, bulkers and tankers probably have the highest volatility of any major hard asset. The reason for this volatility is due to two main elements: the behaviour of shipowners and investors, and the relatively long build times and working lives of vessels. Effectively, what …

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Half Year Scrapping Round Up

The first half of 2019 saw 201 cargo vessels sold for demolition (sum 2 million tonnes) 75% were scrapped at either Bangladesh or India, with Bangladesh receiving the majority share. Scrapping numbers were down c.18% compared to the first half of 2018. This is a knock on effect from the collapse of the Brumadinho dam …

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Half Year Values Round Up

Tankers The market trend for Tankers has been positive since the beginning of 2019. The recent purchase of a resale VLCC by SK Shipping for USD 98 mil is a 5 year high price achieved.  Older VLCCs has been circulating the market recently and since the beginning of 2019 of the total 19 VLCC deals, …

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Half Year S&P Review

Bulker A total of 204 bulkers have been sold since the beginning of 2019, interestingly however only 6 of these have been Capesize Bulkers.  During a period of 4 months from December – April, no Capesize sales were concluded. This break of 106 days had never been seen in the market before. The lack of …

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CSSC and CSIC Merger Intentions

This week the two largest Chinese shipbuilding groups China State Shipbuilding Corporation and China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation announced their intention to merge. If combined the Chinese mega yard’s orderbook will become the largest in the world when measured by number number of orders, dominating Capesize newbuilding orders. Currently there are 205 Capesize vessels on order, …

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Record Low Newbuild Orders Placed in Q2 2019

Newbuilding orders dropped to record lows in Q2 2019. Our Head Cargo Analyst, Olivia Watkins, reviews which yards have received orders and and which vessel types have been popular purchases.  Bulkers The total number of Bulker newbuild orders is down 73% for the first half of 2019 compared to the same period in 2018. So far …

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Record Low Newbuild Orders Placed in Q2 2019

Newbuilding orders dropped to record lows in Q2 2019. VesselsValue’s Head Cargo Analyst, Olivia Watkins, reviews which yards have received orders and and which vessel types have been popular purchases. Bulkers The total number of Bulker newbuild orders is down 73% for the first half of 2019 compared to the same period in 2018. So …

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A Potential War with Iran and the Impact on Trade

A wider conflict with Iran would be negative for most types of ships and for the oil markets in general. Fewer ships will transit the Straits of Hormuz. The following analysis focuses on VLCCs, which lift most of the crude cargo volumes out of the Arabian Gulf. A Look at History In the tanker war …

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