Category Archive For "Maritime Insights & Analytics"
India Signals Change Through Vessel Age Limits
India is taking further steps to lower the footprint that their Shipping trade leaves. It is understood that a number of measures will be introduced, including the ban of Tankers and Bulkers older than 25 years, and Gas and Container vessels older than 30 years, from making port calls in India. Furthermore, secondhand vessels purchased …
Surge in Tanker sales signals command premium in S&P market
Ice class Tankers are the talk of the town The number of ice class Aframax Tanker transactions that took place in 2022 increased by 140% year on year. The majority of sales took place in the second half of the year and the average age of vessels sold was 15 years. Values for this sector …
Vehicle Carrier and RoRo Full Year Review 2022
Vehicle Carriers (PCTC, LCTC) Short Shipping supply got further squeezed for exporters in 2022 due to chronic land side congestion at major ports and terminals in Europe, reducing PCTC (Pure Car Truck Carrier) ship call frequency and therefore capacity. Terminal space completely maxed out in August at major hubs in the Med and Northwest Europe, …
An Overview of the Ferry Market
Freight Demand Main Catalyst for Fleet Growth Since 2012 Looking at fleet development from Midsizes upwards, steady year-on-year (YoY) net growth has been evident since 2016, up +1.47 mil GT (+13.2%) inclusive of 2022. The main catalyst behind this growth has been stronger demand for freight capacity, adding 116,285 Lane Meters (+16.2%). By contrast, passenger …
Offshore Full Year Review 2022
Introduction 2022 was an eventful year for the Offshore industry. Geopolitical tensions between Russia and Ukraine caused the price of oil to hit USD 100 per barrel and reach highs of c. USD 130 per barrel. Oil majors announced record profits, and the vessel and rig owning sector witnessed both an increase in asset values …
The impact of low iron-ore demand on Capesize values
Capesize values softened in December 2022 Capesize values continued to soften over the course of December with the most dramatic fall seen in 15 year old Capes of 180,000 DWT, down by c.3.4% from USD 20.09 mil to USD 19.34 mil. Sentiment for the Capesize sector has been marred by concerns over low iron ore …
Introducing Ferries
To mark the launch of Ferry Market Values, we have provided an overview of the Global Ferry Fleet using VesselsValue data. This includes top owning countries and companies, fleet development over the last ten years, age profile of today’s fleet, most valuable Ferry (>12,999 GT) and most notable deals from 2022. VesselsValue data as of …
Market Chat: Week 50
Containers values continue to soften Container values have continued to fall across all sub sectors and age categories in Q4 of 2022. Sale and purchase transactions have dropped steadily across each quarter of the year. In Q4 to date, only 25 sales have been reported, a drop of c.81% year on year. The decrease in …
An Overview of the LNG Market
LNG values have continued to strengthen, spurred by skyrocketing earnings that have surpassed last year’s record breaking peaks. In November, LNG rates peaked at a record high of 466,524 USD/Day from the Baltic Exchange BLNG1g assessment, pushing up LNG values. Demand for LNG carriers has increased exponentially this year due to the energy crisis in …
Market Chat: Weeks 48 and 49
Capesize values continue to soften Capesize values have continued to soften. Values for ten year old vessels of 180,000 DWT are down by c.13% since the start of the year, from USD 33.07 mil to USD 28.82 mil. The continued fall in values comes as Bulker earnings remain under pressure, and any hopes that an …