Category Archive For "Maritime Insights & Analytics"
Decisions + Data + Algorithms
Being successful in the shipping markets is a never ending, complicated and risky challenge. Owners, investors, lenders, charterers and traders financially thrive or suffer by the quality of their decisions. Amazon CEO, Jeff Bezos, has openly stated that he aims to only make three good decisions in a day. Further to that, these decisions should …
Offshore & COVID-19
Offshore industry: The game is rigged
Shipping State – Singapore
Whether you are involved in shipping or not, the city state of Singapore makes it hard to ignore. If you happen to find yourself in one of the city’s many sea view establishments or simply indulging in some R&R at the beach on the weekend, shipping is an obvious ever-present part of Singapore’s landscape. The …
Superyacht Values Launched
VesselsValue brings transparency to a traditionally opaque market with automated Superyacht values London based online valuation and data provider, VessesValue Ltd, have today launched their automated valuation platform for Superyachts, an industry first. The company who already have deep roots in the maritime industry have gone live with daily updated current and historical values back …
Quarterly Forecast for Cargo Vessels: Summer 2020
Overview Uncertainties surrounding the coronavirus outbreak, the trade war and volatility in oil prices are governing business decisions being made in 2020. Shipyard demand will likely encounter a further blow given the vast disruptions to economic growth and trade globally and delays to scrubber retrofits have already been seen and are expected to continue. Containment …
Containerships – Earnings, Values & Demand
So far, 2020 has been a particularly challenging year for the Containership sector, which has been rattled by lengthy port delays and record numbers of idle vessels since January. Alongside many other sectors, Containerships have felt the brunt of COVID-19, with operational limitations and reduced demand for goods from China, but things are beginning to …
Dude, where’s my car?
VesselsValue has just added Vehicle Carriers to the list of vessels covered by their Trade module. “Our Vehicle Carrier trade service provides real time data on vessel demand and trade flows. It is built up from the vessel, journey and port terminal level for each day, and history to 2013. This allows our clients to …
A COVID-19 Overview: Cruise Ships
In this video, VesselsValue’s Cruise Analyst, Guy Cooper, takes a brief look at how the Cruise ship industry is performing amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.
What have we learnt from COVID-19 so far?
The markets, particularly for shipping, oil and stocks, have been highly volatile over the last few months and the news cycle endless. In these times of uncertainty, real time and objective data is critical to understand and take advantage of the ever evolving situation. Below are three thoughts on what we have recently learnt from …
Top 10 Ship Owning Nations
1. Japan Japan remains the top ship owning nation by fleet value at just over USD 108 Bn, despite seeing USD 9 Bn wiped off from its 2019 total value. This drop has largely been due to the fall in values seen in the Dry Bulk sector, which experienced a mixed 2019 and an even …